Why You Shouldn't Ignore Signs of a Stress Fracture

Stress fractures are small hairline fractures, which makes them not seem like such a big deal, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Dr. Maurice Aiken and our expert podiatric team at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists in Dunedin, Florida, have seen a tiny stress fracture open the door to numerous complications that could have been avoided with prompt treatment.
This blog covers the basics of stress fractures and highlights why you should always pay attention to them.
Let’s talk about stress fractures
Stress fractures are typically overuse injuries that develop as the result of repetitive stress on your bones. Runners, dancers, and other high-impact athletes are among the most at risk for stress fractures, but they can also occur when you suddenly increase or change your activity levels.
Having osteoporosis can also increase your risk for stress fractures. If you have osteoporosis, your body fails to replace old bone tissue as it breaks down during the normal bone replacement cycle, leaving your bones weak and brittle — and it doesn’t take much for weak bones to fracture.
Stress fractures can occur virtually anywhere, but they’re most common in the areas of your body that bear weight and endure stress, including your feet. If you have a stress fracture in your foot, you’ll experience pain with weight bearing and will likely notice:
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Tenderness to the touch
It’s easy to overlook stress fractures or write the symptoms off as a natural byproduct of a tough workout or the downside of getting older. However, stress fractures are a serious injury and can significantly impact your bone health.
The importance of getting help for stress fractures
A fracture is a fracture, no matter how small, and stress fractures require prompt medical treatment to heal properly, relieve symptoms quickly, and prevent future damage. Here’s a closer look at why you shouldn’t ignore a stress fracture.
Stress fractures can (and do) get worse
A hairline stress fracture left untreated can worsen and ultimately require more involved, invasive treatments — maybe even surgery — to correct and repair.
Stress fractures impact your long-term bone health
The longer your stress fracture is left to its own devices, the more likely you are to develop complications. For instance, the pain from your stress fracture can cause you to change your gait, which can snowball into other problems.
Arthritis can develop when the ends of your bones fail to heal correctly.
In the worst cases, an advanced stress fracture can lead to an infection.
Stress fractures can indicate an underlying issue
Stress fractures can be a warning sign of a health problem, metabolic condition, or osteoporosis or even indicate that you’re not using proper technique during your activity.
That means ignoring a stress fracture could also mean ignoring a serious bone health problem. When we evaluate your stress fracture, we discuss all the possible underlying issues and treat the root cause rather than just the symptoms.
Your treatment options
Treatment for a stress fracture doesn’t often involve invasive methods, especially if you treat it early. For mild stress fractures, we recommend:
- Rest
- Ice
- Elevation
- Compression
- Over-the-counter pain medication
If your stress fracture has advanced or is severe, we might recommend wearing custom orthotics, a cast or boot, and/or crutches to relieve pressure on your injured bone.
We can also offer regenerative medicine, extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), Erchonia® cold laser therapy, and physical therapy. We recommend surgical intervention only in the most severe cases. Dr. Aiken has years of experience performing minimally invasive foot surgeries to repair fractures quickly and safely.
A stress fracture can put you out of commission for a few days or weeks, but it pales in comparison to dealing with long-term complications.
If your foot is killing you, don’t ignore it. Whether it’s a stress fracture or something else, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Call Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists or request an appointment online today.
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